Sunday, August 22, 2010


On Saturday I was a zombie!

Every summer, Vancouver has a zombie walk!
For the past 3 years I've missed it but now it was my chance!
I went my friend Ryota and his son Lucas :)

Yeah!! I was zombie minnie!!

afterwards, we hit up my friend
Jun's birthday party, with my roommate Jay
(who is also celebrating a birthday)
and we zombied it up with all the ESL students!!
too funny~

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gyaru Manifesto Meme

I've been peeking around at a few blogs here and there noticing this meme~ I thought this will be an interesting post for you guys (please fill it out too!) and for myself to look back on in the future! I finally decided to do it after looking at Sara Mari's blog, total cutie!!

Gyaru Manifesto Meme

Name: Shawna / happykiss
Location: Vancouver
Occupation: ex-student, ex-employee (so rather, nothing... ;) oops~)
Height: 5'1" / 155cm
Hair: Ash blonde
Eyes: Grey/blue/greeny but usually wear violet contacts :)
Birthday: September 16

First discovery of gyaru:
Grade 10! Though at the time I didn't know it was Gal!
At that time, my very good friend Lee had shown me PARAPARA...
I loved the dance, but did not know the style was 'gal'
wow so old school, paraparaparadise 1 yikes!! gal style had already evolved
from these styles (because all the PPP series was finish and over with by grade 10)
I didn't dress gal until just a few months before I joined Bulaklak (march08)

Your Gyaru Style:
My style just depends on my mood and the season.
Usually very cute (frilly skirts and pink) but also cool dark styles,
probably I would say casual, girly, princess, rock, ame-kaji...
I dress in many different styles :P Just whatever I like!

Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:
1. Romihi
2. Sakurina
3. n/a
4. n/a
5. n/a I dont really actually follow models at all haha

Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-model Inspirations:
1. Pin
2. Emmis
3. Shannon
4. Rebecca
5. Monica
There are so many other wonderful gals I look up to!

Your 3 Favorite Gyaru Magazines:
1. Egg
2. Ranzuki
3. Ageha

The Top 6 Gyaru Brands you like best:
1. Liz Lisa
2. Tralala
3. Tutuha
4. Delyle
5. MA*RS
6. Cocolulu

3 of Your Favorite Coordinates:

Your 7 Favorite Fashion Items That You Own:
1. Denim polka dot onepiece
2. Alife hot pink cap
3. Miss Sixty grey leather knee high boots
4. Pink flipflops from Crocs
5. Lingerie top used as outerwear
6. Leopard print bow hairband
7. Pink clip in extensions

Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:
1. Grow hair longer
2. Get extensions for even longer hair
3. Practice hairstyles (im quite lazy with hair...oops)
4. Lose weight for a more healthy appearance. I don't like being too chubby...
5. Get a job so I can go shopping! hahaha
6. Do my nails more often or go to a salon~
7. Try to make my facial skin smoother/brighter
8. Slight tan, im soooo pale!!
9. Attempt to purchase at least a few key trend items from each season
10. Blog about my coordinates more :)

Top 5 Gyaru Achievements:
1. Joining a well established gal circle Bulaklak Tribe!!!
2. Walking down the street -in Vancouver- and hearing "あぁ!見て!ギャル!カワイイ~"
3. Overcoming my fear of sticking contacts into my eyes haha
4. Bleaching and dying my hair, something I would never have done if not for gal style~
5. Meeting amazing friends and gals online and in real life. Inspiring :)

Well that took a while haha!
I'm interested to read other gals meme's so if you have done
it or will do it send me a link too :)

Thanks for reading guys!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's coming soon!

I'm really excited to meet my Bulaklak sistazzz and bro~
It's been a long time coming! I'm also super excited for NYC!
Still have to exchange money but I think thats all that needs to be done~
I want to buy some new outfits too but I couldn't find anything I liked T_T

poster was created by the fabulous Emily♥

If you haven't checked out the event page,
and you're considering coming, go forth and click!
It will be my last big event/meet to attend in the US!!

See you there :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August is going by fast...

Sorry guys I don't really have anything
interesting to blog about recently!

I'm still job hunting and babysitting.
Babysitting gets me by on rent but other than that
I don't go shopping and and I don't go anywhere T_T

Well, yesterday I went to the aquarium because my cousin
was in town with her 4 kids~
Coincidentally I saw Emy with her family.
She's super cute so check out her blog @

Today Lucas told me i'm getting fat....


so im off for a bike ride and then a swim~

I'll leave you with a picture of my favorite
outfits from August's EGG!